"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Things To KNow

1. You will be notified in August which teacher your child has for next school year. Please rest assured that I and the four fifth grade teachers for next year gave our utmost thought and care into balancing each class so each child will experience success and continue to grow.

2. Schoolwork & Homework tonight: There is a lot on the day planner due tomorrow. All of a sudden the end of the year crept up on us. I don't want any student to be stressed out tonight about finishing schoolwork. I had to make "Notable Oregonian" and "Oregon Business" due tomorrow simply because there's no more time. We've had some major work sessions the past two days and the students are at different states of doneness. If they only walk in the door tomorrow with three things done they should have their Word Wednesday, Letter to Dad, Farewell Letter to Class, and Book Club Packet (actually due Thursday). We'll have time tomorrow to finish some things we've started, but not all. Furthermore, we had talked about using Thursday as a partial work day to finish up some of these projects, but after giving it some thought we going to use Thursday for their last Book Club meeting, reading Farewell letters, cleaning, and putting some last things in their coffee table books.

3. Summer Work: The students should be coming home tomorrow with some summer work for those of you who have expressed interest. They will have volume 2 of their Math Journal with tons of stuff left to keep them busy. They will also have a math unit 8 worksheet packet, a pink math/reading packet, and three historical fiction reading packets related to our study of US western expansion.

4. Report Cards: These will be mailed out from school on Friday as opposed to going to home with the kids.

Sorry this was so longwinded, but I hope it clears some things up for you. Thanks for a wonderful year.

Monday, June 13, 2011

June Garden Harvest

Thanks again to those who donated and a special thanks to Dawn, Abeer, Grant, Echo, and Marion for planning and helping out today. It was great to see the kids enjoying themselves outside and able to take home the "fruits" of their labor. That's what it's all about.

Human Body Unit

Link to many useful websites.

Oregon Unit

Below is a short list of some Oregon businesses and some links to help you finish your Oregon unit of study.

Columbia Sportswear, LAIKA, Deep Sky Studio, Leatherman, Powell's Books, Pendleton Woolen Mill, Oregon Spice, Nike, Stumptown Coffee Roasters, Oregon Log Home Company, Oregon Kite Company, Oregon Fruit Products Company, GreenWood Resources, Tillamook Cheese Company, Oregon Coast Jams, Stash Tea, and many more...

100 Best Oregon Green Businesses (click on business name for logo and info)

33 Best Large Companies (BE CAREFUL...not all are started in Oregon)

33 Best Medium (same as above)

The Cherry Country (My friend's family microbusinees)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Our Garden

We will be pulling, picking, and planting in our garden again next week. The day has yet to be determined, but it will either be Monday (6/13) or Wednesday (6/15). I will notify you later this week with the specific date and time and possible fruit, flower, and/or veggie donations if your family would like to help out in any way.

With this new round of planting our garden will require some summer TLC. We're hoping to find families who can tend and water the garden on a week-by-week basis throughout the summer. Below I have listed the weeks starting with June 20-26. Please take a look at your calendars and let me know if your family is interested. Families are welcome to sign up for more than one week if they desire.

June 20-26

June 27- July 3

July 4-10

July 11-17

July 18-24

July 25-31

August 1-7

August 8-14

August 15-21

August 22-28

August 29-Sept 4

Poetry Tea

What: The Poetry Tea

Who: Our Fourth Graders

When: Thursday, June 9th @ 2PM

Where: Our classroom

Why: To celebrate the end of a successful school by sharing our most personal and heartfelt writing, our poetry

A Wish: If you can come a little early to help set up, please let me know. If you can bring a sharp knife, please let me know (for cutting treats, of course...)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"She Flies with Her Own Wings"

Our next unit of study will be "Oregon!" We will trace Oregon's timeline from the very first settlers to present day (picking up where we left off in our study of "Westward Movement"). We will explore Oregon's geography and climate, studying each region's boundaries, formations and natural wonders. We will examine the structure of Oregon's government, the rights of citizens and the passage of laws. We will study Oregon's unique culture and create our own versions of "typical" Oregonians. We will memorize and understand the emblematic importance of the state symbols. We will choose an Oregon business as well as a notable Oregonian to explore in depth. And all of this, in the 20 or so days left of school! Please enjoy and explore the video and websites below (more to be added). Many of them will be used for research in class as well.