"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"She Flies with Her Own Wings"

Our next unit of study will be "Oregon!" We will trace Oregon's timeline from the very first settlers to present day (picking up where we left off in our study of "Westward Movement"). We will explore Oregon's geography and climate, studying each region's boundaries, formations and natural wonders. We will examine the structure of Oregon's government, the rights of citizens and the passage of laws. We will study Oregon's unique culture and create our own versions of "typical" Oregonians. We will memorize and understand the emblematic importance of the state symbols. We will choose an Oregon business as well as a notable Oregonian to explore in depth. And all of this, in the 20 or so days left of school! Please enjoy and explore the video and websites below (more to be added). Many of them will be used for research in class as well.

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